time & place, 2023

22in x 54in x 18in
16 gauge clear vinyl, transparent adhesive photo film, photographs, cotton thread

Artist statement:
Time & Place is a piece I created to reflect my mission as an artist: to create art that tells the story of my own lived experiences. This piece is a 4.5-foot transparent trenchcoat with 25 translucent photos adorned to it that represent significant memories for me. This piece was made of 16-gauge clear vinyl that was sewn with a combination of machine stitching and hand stitching. The photographs were all taken by myself and their respective sizes all represent their own significance in my memory.

When choosing to represent the concept of a Wunderkammer with this piece, and more specifically, an archive, I decided to create a physical representation of the types of archives we all carry with us each day – our memory. I created a physical representation of what my memory archive is to me, good and bad memories that I am reminded of daily that shape who I am as an individual. I created a floor-length coat to symbolize that these memories make up the person in their entirety. The clear vinyl is a metaphorical representation of the transparencies of our own memory space. Each of the photographs that I chose has a different personal significance that widely shaped who I am today, including my wedding, various homes in which I have lived, an arcade I frequently visited as a child, and places I have had family arguments.

View video documentation here.

Watch my process as I made this piece here.


Of Light and Dark, The Light Twist, 2023


Creep, 2023