if only…  then id, 2023

24in x 66in x 2.25in
16 gauge steel, spray paint, rivets, wire, vinyl

Artist statement:
This piece I created is a reflection of the body dysmorphia I have felt over my entire life. Whenever I encounter a reflective piece of material, more specifically a mirror, my mind instantly starts a conversation with myself about what I would change about my physical appearance, often concluding that if I looked differently, I would be happy. This is cited within the piece not only within the distorted, wavy, reflective surface but also within the text that is included in the piece. “If Only” spans the top of the piece, and “Then Id” frames the bottom. The heaviness of the material of this piece being crafted out of metal speaks to the heaviness of this conversation and experience I have with myself daily. I wanted this piece to be interactive and have a context that could create a meaningful connection with the viewer beyond my personal experiences. The warping of the mirror speaks to this, as you have to stand within two feet of the project to see your reflection, speaking to the intimacy of the topic. The warped-ness also speaks to the distorted way we view ourselves and how we will never see ourselves in the way others see us.

An artist I considered when making this piece is Cal Lane, known for her intricate lace designs in metal. She often pushes the boundaries of what is possible in her designs and recontextualizes metal to be more feminine. I wanted a detailed design for the border frame, drawing influence on ancient gothic concepts of design, to speak to the historical context of how long people, specifically women, have been having conversations such as this with themselves.


The Things I'll Keep With Me, 2023


I Look For You Every Day, 2023