The Things I’ll Keep With Me, 2023

48in x 51in x 18in
foam, drylok, spray paint, digital projection

Artist statement:
This piece was a representation of my memory of my late grandfather. I was inspired by a pinboard I keep above my desk that holds mementos from my entire life—polaroid photos, notes, postcards, etc. I think this specific form of intimacy that humans tend to create to hold onto memories is extremely interesting, and I wanted to explore this not only within this piece– but with more pieces in the future. The scale of the Polaroid photo was a choice I made to symbolize how large and significant these memories are to me, and the pin speaks to my desperation to keep and hold onto these memories. The projection, which consists of eight photographs of me with my grandfather at various stages of my life, appears faded when viewed in a brightly lit gallery, which serves as a metaphor for how, although I am trying my best to hold onto these memories, they aren’t permanent, and will eventually and inevitably fade.

View video documentation here.


Please (I'm Asking Nicely), 2024


If Only... Then Id, 2023