e32, 2022

16in x 34.5in (handle extended) x 10in
Suitcase, screen printed ink (3 layers) on neoprene, cotton thread

Artist statement:
This work is a piece of luggage with 3 screen printed images on the front, all depicting one baggage gate terminal at DFW airport: E32. The reason why I chose a baggage claim terminal is that I wanted to pick a location where time had an interesting meaning. While waiting for your bag at a baggage claim terminal, you are totally out of control with how much time you spend there. All you can do is wait. It also fascinates me to see potential energy in the space once unused. The space is entirely designed around waiting. and once people are done waiting, they no longer need the space. There is nothing inviting about it. However, there is something almost poetic about a space that so loudly waits for you when you are not there. The highly reflective metal, the crowded lines of luggage carts, the long rows of empty seats, they, too, wait when we are not using them. I think the concept of this yin and yang of "waiting" is compelling, and I wanted to tell a story with it. The luggage tag on the piece tells a story about my personal history with this airport– for it has hidden numbers of my birthday and my grandfather's. My grandfather helped found DFW airport, and anytime I can sneak him into the meaning of one of my pieces, I do it.

October-November 2022: This piece was exhibited in the UNT CVAD Celebrates “Foundations Excellence” Showcase, located on the 3rd-floor critique space @ CVAD


You Forgot Us, 2022